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Update #4: The Season of Gifting

The Season of Gifting



  1. Unlocked- Sony(r) Future Lab Program Concept N Giveaway
  2. Special holiday gift-a-thon of EcoReco media review units
  3. Media loves EcoReco
  4. The Sony N referral contest leader board
  5. Share, share, share for next great free perk at $300k

We just blew through our $200k milestone. 

Thank you to all of our 437 backers from 22 different countries. We could not have reached this milestone without your awesome contributions. To show our sincere appreciation, we would like to announce more giveaways in this season of gifting.Several Media outlets picked up our story.

Back it to win it! We will have a giveaway drawing at the end of the campaign for a Concept N from Sony Future Lab Program. It's easy to participate and your order #’s are your raffling tickets. The more perks you’ve backed, the higher chance you have to win this exclusive and awesome gadget that not even money can buy! Not sure if you are interested? Think again. [The Verge on Sony N at SXSW] EcoReco is giving away the media review units!! Can't wait for Model R to ditch your car? You might be able to win a Free EcoReco scooter as soon as December 25th. EcoReco is running a media review unit gift-a-thon on the EcoReco Facebook page (@EcoRecoScooter). Simply "Share, Comment, and Like" to participate. We will start the drawing on Dec. 25th and every 4 days or 100 shares (which comes later) afterward. Early entries have multiple chances to win, so definitely share now! * Please also check out our friend's campaign on IndieGoGo, it will come in handy if you bring your EcoReco overseas. Thanks for many journalist friends mentioned our Model R campaign.You can read them here. [Treehugger] [Autoblog][Trend Hunter] Sony N referral contest We have Veronica, Maxocampo1, Micro Drone, Andrew B., and Gareth Watts leading the way with just one Model R referral and several accessories. Still plenty of time to win this open race and what are you waiting for? Share it now!